Strange Decks proudly presents the first own release of Mr. Bigspender. The germany based newcomer plays with a dirty synth and clap-hit-boom-crash-bääm-sounds. The Strange Decks artists Rauschhaus and FuckedUp! and the newcomer producer Vadim Burov deliver three hot remixes of “Bud”.
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Strange Decks proudly presents the first own release of Mr. Bigspender. The germany based newcomer plays with a dirty synth and clap-hit-boom-crash-bääm-sounds. The Strange Decks artists Rauschhaus and FuckedUp! and the newcomer producer Vadim Burov deliver three hot remixes of “Bud”.
Bud (Original Mix)
Mr. Bigspender
Bud (Rauschhaus Big Bud Remix)
Mr. Bigspender
Bud (FuckedUp! Remix)
Mr. Bigspender
Bud (Vadim Burov Remix)
Mr. Bigspender