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I've uploaded signs page. When my account will be active ?

If you just have uploaded a single page with signs - account never will be active.

This information was repeated number of times in agreement upload form highlighted by capslock. Thrust us - those lines are not just a "dummy page filling".

The only full scan of hand-signed agreement made in appropriate quality (well readable) can be a valid lawful document.
Otherwise we will not be allowed to send your content to any shops

  • The single signs page scan
  • Your sign faximile
  • iPhone photo of document
  • Original PDF pages combined with scan or photo of signs page
  • Unreadable scan
  • Some words imprinted in PDF editor without your own hand-written sign
  • PDF with some lines scripted my mouse here instead of hand-written sign
  • Original unmodified PDF without your sign

will NOT be accepted and we will NOT activate your account until you fix this problem

So, in case you'v uploaded some of listed type of document - don't lose your time and don't wait our answer. Just click on the link in email your received when your application was accepted and upload scan as required.

This is instruction what you have to do to have a valid agreement, Please follow this instruction literally:

  1. Download prepared agreement (using the same link you received after your application has been accepted)
  2. Print the whole document
  3. Sign the printer document by your own hand
  4. Scan the whole document. Every page. using the same equipment. Preferred - to PDF file with all pages merged
  5. Upload scanned document to the form

Once more time - please follow the instruction.