Site will be paused for maintenance : UTC
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Time to shutdown : Time of shutdown : 000000


How start upload your content?

Welcome to DMB Dashboard.

To use our DMB system You need have the Java Machine to be installed and enabled
Also please authorize the Java Up-loader plugin to be run in the site if Your will be asked.

You can upload Your media files with two ways - with  Uploader and with FTP client like Filezilla e.t.c.

FTP upload:

Log in to FTP server and using the same your login details.

FTP host:
User: your login
Password: your pass
Port: 21

After files will be uploaded Your need to move this files to a media files folder for a specified album.
There are to buttons on Media Files tab of Album form.

Add new album:

Add new album in 'My Albums' menu, write all album data and get files from FTP on 'Media files' tab:

The button "Get files from FTP " - press this button to open FTP home files browser. Mark files You need in current album and press Apply to move files.
Files will be checked against the requirements and valid files will be moved to media folder.

Or you can upload files via Java Up-loader, Just click Run Up-loader on 'Media files' tab.